Eksplozija koja se dogodila u luci u glavnom gradu Libana, Bejrutu, izazvala je brojne komentare širom sveta, jer je prizor koji su snimili građani i fotoreporteri zastrašujuć.

Ogromna pečurka se digla iznad grada koji je podrhtavao nakon dve velike i niza malih eksplozija.

Pogledajte kako izgleda Bejrut nakon tragedije koja se dogodila.

Foto: Profimedia
Foto: Profimedia
Foto: Profimedia
A wounded man is checked by a fireman near the scene of an explosion in Beirut on August 4, 2020. A large explosion rocked the Lebanese capital Beirut on August 4, an AFP correspondent said. The blast, which rattled entire buildings and broke glass, was felt in several parts of the city.,Image: 549832301, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Anwar AMRO / AFP / Profimedia

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